Last week, I was catching up with a friend, and because of our conversation, she was reminded of a book that she had read. She mentioned some parts of the book then I became interested in reading it.

The first thing I did was to find out whether this book was in the Genesis Library or not. (Genesis Library is a source where you can pick up books for free). To my sadness, it wasn’t, so I decided to buy it. The hardcopy and e-book had the same price, I don’t know what happened that I unconsciously picked up the hardcopy. Then I felt a bit disappointed with my lack of attention, but as I like to see the good side of things, I thought to myself: “Okay, now you’re going to be able to compare with propriety what I prefer whether hardcopy or e-books.

Many people claim that they don’t like reading via e-reader because they enjoy thumbing through pages, smelling them, seeing them on their shelves, and so on. I respect their opinions, but honestly, I can’t understand them. I wonder whether they really gave a shot to any e-reader or if they’re  biased through their one-sided hardcopy experiences.

I read laying in my comfy hammock. Reading my new hardcopy, it’s been quite a challenge. Even though it’s a light book (not heavy), after a while I become restless in the hammock changing from one hand to the other, trying to find the best position to read it. I hold the book from the top, then from the bottom. Finally, I feel pins and needles, so, at this time, I feel irritated and lose focus, and stop reading it. As the e-reader is super light, I can read for hours without my hands getting tired.

To highlight parts is another “problem.” I need to remember to bring a pen with me, then I need to change my position from lying to sitting to make a straight line or being and make a loose line. On my kindle, I highlight phrases with a touch of the screen, easy peasy.

To write my thoughts about the highlighted part is another point to stress here. Where to make notes in a hardcopy? On the edges of the page? How to track and find my notes easily later on? As I love writing about my feelings and impressions while I’m reading the book, on kindle is super handy. I select parts, then note what I want to. In addition to that, I have all my notes organized in one single place and find them in the blink of an eye.

Last but not least, I can’t read before bed without switching on the light. It sucks. The luminosity is one thing that makes us alert, which prevents us from resting and preparing for sleep. Reading on Kindle I don’t have this problem as there’s an embedded soft light on it.

Now, I can say that I’m definitely a fan of e-readers. I’ll never exchange an e-book for a hardcopy again.

I believe that hardcopies are only good for one reason, to lend them to friends. Many people can read the same exemplar of a book.

What are your thoughts about that?

Please, let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading.

See you next time.


Shirley is an avid learner, interested in self-development, healthcare, and mindfulness. As an English learner, she spreads the word about her process of learning English, that it might help someone in their process.

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