I don’t know why, but I’m really fond of my birthday. It’s something magic. It’s time to receive love, beautiful messages, and good wishes from friends.🥰

Days before the big day, I start warming my closest friends and family members that I’m counting down to my birthday. I don’t dare them to forget it! 😆

I like it so much that I don’t mind going to work on my birthday because I like people congratulating me on my day.

In 2019, something interesting happened. As I’ve reduced my time on Facebook, in 2019 my birthday messages have almost been overlooked. My husband gave me a heads up “You have many messages on Facebook.” Then It dawned on me that I “needed” to reply to messages on Facebook. But as I’m not a regular Facebook user it flew under the radar.

I’m the kind of person who replies back message-by-message. I treasure the time each person took to send me a message. I make sure that person feels that they are unique, and that’s why they deserve a personalized message. Consequently, I spent a significant amount of time doing that. Then I wondered how many of those messages were written for the sake of it because Facebook has shown my birthday date. And how many of them really know my birthday and took their time to honor me sending their message?

So, what did I do? After that, I disabled my birthday on Facebook. I thought to myself: “I don’t need all those birthday messages, that might be, sometimes, ingenuine. It’s just the result of Facebook tools.” By the way, it’s a good feature, it hands you your friends’ birthdays on a silver platter, all you need to do is to log in and check it.

I’m not ungrateful, but at this moment, I don’t feel like spending time with people that would rarely remember my existence unless Facebook does them this favor.

Please, tell me about you. Do you like your birthday? What do you feel about replying to your facebook’s birthday messages?

Thank you for reading.

See you next time.


Shirley is an avid learner, interested in self-development, healthcare, and mindfulness. As an English learner, she spreads the word about her process of learning English, that it might help someone in their process.


  1. I totally agree with you! How many people can remember our birthdays without Facebook’s assistance? Not many!
    The messages look nice but take the receiver’s time and sender’s time as well.
    So, I disable my birthday date on FB immediately after reading this article!
    Thanks for sharing!

    • Hey Dan. Thanks for your comment. =) Good to know that you liked it and decided to try it. haha I liked the experience. I hope you like it too.

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