For a long time, I have wanted to write about relationships. All kinds of relationships between friends, colleagues, partners, lovers, and so on.

Throughout our lives we encounter many people, some of them stay and most of them drift apart. These relationships that stayed chances are to be the ones we want to keep for the rest of our lives because we have a rapport with them. These are people with whom we want to nourish relations to make it blossom into a beautiful lifelong friendship.

There are three scenarios that I’d like to explore:

  1. Side A and B are willing to nourish the relationship: when it happens is the best thing ever. You’re gonna be friends for the rest of your lives, even when you both don’t see each other or talk frequently you’ll still know that you have each other.
  2. When side A is willing to nourish the relationship and B not. When you are fond of a person, you somehow want to keep connecting to this person, but you don’t feel reciprocity. Not because they don’t respond to your messages or requests but because you feel that if you stop to keep in touch, the other part won’t mind if it happens. It’s the kind of relationship that I feel that the initiative always comes from our sides. That we are the one who keeps that friendship alive. At some point, I wonder if such a relationship is worth it. What do you think? 🕵🏼
  3. When side A avoids a problematic B. The same way some people we want to keep in our lives, some of them we want (or should) avoid. Whether because they are the ones who want to get benefits from the friendship, just they talk, they aren’t interested in listening, it seems that you’re a therapist rather than a friend; whether they are negative, always talking about problems and concerns, never see the good side of the things. Such people hijack our energy.

Relationships are crucial in our lives so it’s important to keep the healthiest ones.

I’d love to hear from you: are you the kind of person who nourishes your relationships or let them follow their flow?

Thank you for reading.

See you next time.


Shirley is an avid learner, interested in self-development, healthcare, and mindfulness. As an English learner, she spreads the word about her process of learning English, that it might help someone in their process.


  1. joycejoyceho ho Reply

    Beautiful thoughts about relationships. It’s easy to read and understand. Thanks for your beautiful article. ☺️

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