I’m a die heart fan of everything related to productivity, self-improvement, self-discipline, and so. If you started off reading this review I wager a guess that you are also into it.

So if you are interested in either forming good habits or breaking bad ones, the book Atomic Habits by James Clear was made for you.

This best-seller was on my quite extensive to-read list for a while. It’s not easy to choose what to read next among many good titles. I decided to read it, after repeated recommendations by friends or YouTubers. Then I thought to myself: “Okay, I’ll give it a shot and see what’s so special in this book.”

At first glance, I thought that I’d flip forward most of the pages as I’m familiar with good habits, self-discipline, and productivity. But I wasn’t familiar with forming behavior science. It totally blew my mind. This book brings insightful strategies and immediately applicable tips to our daily lives. I didn’t expect that this book would bring novelty to my life, but luckily I was completely wrong. This book exceeded my expectations.

The major topic is how to make good habits stick and the importance of tiny actions that in the long run have compound effects on our lives, building our identity.

I recommend this book to everyone. I believe that everyone should do their best to live a better life. For sure, this book is a good choice to start with.

Read here the 7 lessons that I learned from this book.

I’d love to hear from you. Please tell me, what do you think about habits and routine, is it important to you? Why or why not?


Shirley is an avid learner, interested in self-development, healthcare, and mindfulness. As an English learner, she spreads the word about her process of learning English, that it might help someone in their process.

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