Close friends well-know that I don’t like broadcast TV.

Why? Because it usually does not aggregate value to my life. It’s always the same: crimes, violence, natural disasters, robbery, corruption.

You may be wondering, is Shirley pessimist? No, I’m not. I just see the thing how it is.

Broadcast TV just wants to catch the audience, these subjects above provide it. 

In Brazil educative programs like finances, agriculture, sports, entrepreneurs take place just on Sundays or Saturdays early in the morning, at that time that people are sleeping on the weekend.

In my workplace, in the coffee room, there’s a TV. At breakfast and lunchtime, it’s always on. It means that no one interacts with others if it happens is all about crappy subjects that came from the news. That’s sucks.

That’s why, oftentimes, I prefer to have lunch at a different time from my colleagues, as I don’t like to hear that annoying TV making noise, I have lunch alone with my thoughts.

Luckily, my coworkers respect my point of view. When I get the coffee room earlier than them, They don’t turn on the TV. That’s an astounding experience. We chat about life, experiences, expectations, problems, jokes, desires… so that’s a priceless experience, much better than just share controversion opinions, getting angry with politics, getting dishearting with bad human behaviors. It’s time to know more about each other and strengthen the friendship.

Now, tell me, what do you prefer?

  1. to have a seat, eat in peace, and chat with a friend.
  2. to watch TV, get annoyed, and stressed about the subjects. 

Let your comment in the box below. I’m looking forward to knowing your opinion.


Shirley is an avid learner, interested in self-development, healthcare, and mindfulness. As an English learner, she spreads the word about her process of learning English, that it might help someone in their process.



    Whaouh Shirley, great shoutout
    I totally agree with you
    Nothing is better than talking in fresh people😉

    • Awww yeah, Daisy! Nothing better than having a relaxing time with friends instead of let the TV dictates what we should discuss. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. Thanks, Shirley, for this article! So bad to have TV at workplace! It’s good that your coworkers respect your opinion!
    As per me, I don’t watch TV at all, it’s only my son who watches cartoons.
    There’s no TV set at my workplace, thus I chatted with my colleges during lunchtime. It was always a blast 😍

  3. Wow Shirley, I agree with you at all! Tks God I’m working from home and I don’t have a Tv on my bedroom. I love the peace and of course I prefer my friends 😃

    • Hey Catalina, thanks so much for sharing your opinion with us. BTW, I’m also working from home. It’ll be hard to be back to my office. haha =)

  4. Swati Vibhute Reply

    Amazing enlightenment on chitchat😉❣. I absolutely prefer 1st one!! Fab article!!

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