There is a saying in Portuguese: O rio só corre pro mar. Translating, “The river only runs to the sea.” It means that what the person have (materially or spiritually), the universe attracts it more.

Rich people have rich friends. Gossip people have gossip friends. Smart people have smart friends.

Of course, this is not a rigid rule. There are many exceptions but overall, this is a good heuristic.

Are your friends a good or bad influence for you?

Do your friends have good habits or inspire you to do good things?

I know this conception of good or bad is subjective, but today I wandered about my friendships if it is constructive for a good life, for personal development, for inspiration.

It is hard to say that your friend is not good for you, after all, they are YOUR friends, you like them. The point is: what others say about your friends? Do you agree with what they are saying? If most people have the same opinion and only you disagree, probably they are right. And, chances are you are like your friends.

If no one has ever said bad stuff about who you get along, good for you with. Likely, you are surrounded by good people.


Shirley is an avid learner, interested in self-development, healthcare, and mindfulness. As an English learner, she spreads the word about her process of learning English, that it might help someone in their process.

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